Another beautiful day at sea. Last night it was so clear that we were even hoping for a Green Flash at sunset. But a cloud spoiled the happening and dashed all the expectations. But today is a similar day and maybe we are lucky now. So what is all the excitement about so that we even announce it to all the guests. First of all it is a fairly rare happening and secondly you can only see it over sea as you need an on-unobstructed horizon. This because it is an optical phenomena which occurs at sunset and sometimes at sunrise. But I have never seen the latter one myself. The moment the sun touches the horizon the atmosphere can cause the various colors in a sun ray to split with green color dominating. If the air is then a little bit hazy (but not cloudy) this green discolorisation might rise higher and we can then see a Green flash of about 2 or 3 seconds. That rather unusual happening is what we are hoping for. If the weather stays the same we might have another chance,
But if all fails, then there is always Bingo to solve all the frustrations………………………………………………….. Although most guests are busy with other things. This morning I observed a first in my career. At 07.00 in the morning, the Passenger Gym on deck 9 inside the Greenhouse Spa was sold out. Not in the way of costing money, as it is free, but it was full with no room to spare and none of the machines were free. Normally we have a daily rotation with 25 to 30% of all equipment in use and at the same time exercises are going on in the center area of the Gym but this morning everything was in use at the same time. Causing a few guests to turn away a bit disgruntled. I suggested to one Lady “why not take a run or walk a few laps around the deck, as things would certainly quiet down closer to breakfast time”. It was the wrong thing to say I think as I got one of those glares that can curdle milk. ……………. She wanted a particular machine that she had used all cruise at the same time each day, and now somebody had taken it. No doubt the Hotel Director will get a nasty Let-us-Know card about that one. Maybe we have do the same as they did in old days with the steamer chairs on deck, you reserve one with the deck steward, so nobody could pinch it……………….
Continuing on our refurbishment tour, we now come to the Crow’s nest. This has now been giving over completely to the EXC, our Explorations Center and enrichment philosophy. Welcome Explorations Central. The Java Café / Coffee bar on the Starboard side has been merged with the Crow’s-nest Bar on the portside which has remained in place. The open space has been filled by the Shore excursion desk. Starboard aft a more private office has been created for the Future Cruise Consultant and going to starboard forward there is now modified library shelving set up with books pertaining to travel. Two puzzle tables have been retained and are always in full use. Port Aft, where we had the Captains Corner, is now a meeting/ lecture area called EXC encounters, featuring the EXC team with travel stories, narrated movies and slides show about far flung places to visit.
This is a new concept for the company and it was the question if it would catch on. But looking at the number of guests who are present during most of the (sea) day, I think it does, all areas are well frequented and when done exploring the Bar nearby gives the option to come to rest and relax with a good glass of something nice. Because the chairs, although comfortable, are smaller, a lot of space has been created for everybody to have room to mill around. This will help the congestion issue we always have during a Panama Canal Transit. If needed, there will be room for a lot of folding chairs for those who want a good view but stay indoors.

The old Captains corner now transformed into an enrichment /small lecture area. Now there are more chairs otherwise we can not get everybody in. It is very popular.
We have one more full sea day to go and then a final night, sailing between the Bahamian Islands before we reach Fort Lauderdale. Weather is supposed to remain as is and thus it should be sunny all the way to Fort. Lauderdale.
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