Couvee, Boudewijn Johannes

Captain Couvee o board the ss fort Orange in 1946 (Courtesy archive of Capt. A.M. van Gemert) a
Boudewijn Jacobus Couvee was born on 13 August 1895 at Tiel, a town in the center of the Netherlands. He was the son of Hendrik Huibert Couvee (Merchant, later Inspector and even later a Director of a Life insurance company at Arnhem) and Elisabeth Ludwig.
The city of Tiel is surrounded by rivers on all sides with many river ships passing by so maybe that was the reason for him to go to sea. He was accepted on 02 September 1912 at the Maritime Academy: “De Kweekschool voor de Zeevaart” in Amsterdam. He was enrolled in the two year course, at the age of 17, which means that he had limited mathematics in his previous schooling. For the school he was a bit of enigma, the “Kweekschool” being very much influenced by the Protestant way of thinking and behavior and he was listed as Roman Catholic. (Father Protestant, mother Catholic) as a result there is no mention of him being accepted in or other church in Amsterdam.
His school ratings card shows just above average ratings for all the subjects taught and that is quite good as most ratings cards for other pupils show “highs” and “lows”. As a result he finishes school as no. 5 out of 27 in his year.

The ss Maartensdijk. A photo from before World war I. (c)
On23 July 1914 he is accepted as cadet with the Holland Amerika Lijn and placed on board the cargo ship ss Maartensdijk voor voyages to the USA. After a year at sea he returns to the Academy with a “very sufficient” attest for behavior and work on board. On 13 November 1915 he passed his 3rd. mates exam and is dismissed from the “Kweekschool” with very good reports.
He returns to Holland America and is placed on board the passengership ss Nieuw Amsterdam (I) on 24 November 1915. While the HAL fleet is still sailing he rotates over several ships until with the unlimited U-boat war raging and the USA entering the war, the ships are laid up and subsequently seized. Couvee, by now 3rd officer, returns home with the Nieuw Amsterdam and is called up for military service. It is unknown what he did, whether he went to the Royal Netherlands Navy or was assigned to the regular military. After 8 months he is released as the war is over and he goes to school for his 2nd Mates license. Then he returns to sea with the ss Maasdijk., sailing on the New York service.

The ss Nieuw Amsterdam (I) Seen here docked at the Wilhelminakade in Rotterdam. (c)
Then he is assigned to the ss Waaldijk a cargo ship engaged on the New York – Dutch East Indies service. For this he transfers in New York from the ss Maasdijk and is then away for a year as the ship does not call at Rotterdam. He seemed to have liked it over there as he remains on the ship until it returns to Rotterdam on 30 April 1921. Then he makes 2 voyages on the ss Zuiderdijk, a cargo ship sailing the first voyage to Boston and Philadelphia and the second one down to Rio de Janeiro. Upon return the goes to school for his First Mates / Captains license.
The ss Waaldijk of Holland America Line. (c)He passes the exam on 13 July 1922. While studying he marries on 05 January 1922 in the town of Teteringen: Anna Dieuwke Metz born at Teteringen (located in the south of the Netherlands near the city of Breda). She was a daughter of Johannes Sikko Metz (Major of the infantry) and Elisabeth Johanna Maria Hens.
There are eventually an unknown number of children and this helps him to remain employed with Holland America during the depression years. As can be seen from his career listing below that he was setback in rank but remained employed. It was the company’s policy to let go in all ranks the single officers first and then, if needed, those without children. Then the lowest ones on the seniority listing were set back to a lower rank and ships position; vacated by a single officer who was dismissed.
According to the crew “WAR” card held by the Dutch Government, he spent the war years in the Netherlands under occupation. Further information unknown apart from that he was living at Van Deventerlaan 47 Voorburg. (near The Hague)
Then on 20 July 1945 he sails as passenger to London with the overnight ferry the ss Batavier II from Rotterdam. In London he is given a berth in the Royal Hotel, until the company has figured out what to do with him. He is then sent to New York on 27 July 1945 in the rank of Chief Officer.

The ms Sloterdyk of 1939. Seen here in a 1950 photo. (c))
On 13 Aug. 1945 he is assigned to the ms Sloterdyk (II) as chief officer.
GAP in sailing information.

Full photo of Captain Couvee made by Chief Officer A.M. van Gemert on board the ss Fort Orange in 1946 .The only photo we have sofar. (a)
On 13 July 1946 he is assigned for the first time as Captain and goes to the ss Fort Orange. This was a Dutch Government ship that was given into management to Holland America. The company bought the ship in 1947 and renamed it Blijdendyk (II).
From then onwards he sails with increasing seniority on the more senior ships ending in January 1952 on the ms Noordam (II) a passenger cargo shis sailing on the New York service. This was a relieve voyage for the regular captain.

The ss Duivendyk, seen here in Vancouver on 1 July 1950. This was an ex German ship confiscated by the Dutch Government in 1940 and handed over to Holland America. It could carry 35 passengers and was assigned to the Rotterdam -west coast – Vancouver service. (I believe this photo was taken by Mr. Frost of Vancouver whose collection is now held by the Vancouver Mar. Museum)
Then the company records stop. It seems that at this moment at the age of 57 he found another job outside the company.
We have some personal information from a letter by cadet Frank van der Meulen who was on the Duivendijk in 1951. (d)
Captain B.J Couvee was a quiet man who we did not see very much. He seemed to read a lot and also entertained the passengers on board. He was well liked by the crew. On the westcoast voyages we loaded on the return voyage (Vancouver to Rotterdam :ED.) grain. apples and oranges. The cadet was then the whole day in the holds to ensure that materials were on location for the safe and secure loading. On arrival Antwerp the cadets were then called to the Captains cabin and he gave them each a box of apples. A very human touch that I have never forgotten. Captain Couvee left at the end of that voyage from the ship and I never saw him again.
Career Listing: (b,c)
Date: Function: Ship: Wages and/or remarks.
27 Jul. 1914 Cadet Officer Maartensdijk 20,–
02 Dec. 1914 Cadet Officer Rotterdam 20,–
13 Feb. 1915 Cadet Officer Zuiderdijk 20,–
24 Jul. 1915 Temporarily dismissed to go to school for 3rd mates license. Passed 15 Nov. 1915
24 Nov. 1915 wage increase 30,–
24 Nov. 1915 4th. Officer Nieuw Amsterdam 30,–
05 May.1916 Wage increase 40,–
31 Oct. 1916 Temporarily ashore
01 Nov. 1916 wage increase 50,–
01 Nov. 1916 4th. Officer Beukelsdijk 50,–
04 Jan. 1917 Act. 3rd Officer Beukelsdijk 60,–
24 May. 1917 3rd. Officer Soestdijk 60,–
01 Jan. 1918 wage increase 70,–
Due to the confiscation of the ss Soestdijk back to Holland with the ss Nieuw Amsterdam.
01 Jul. 1918 wage increase 80,–
17 Jul. 1918 ashore
01 Oct. 1918 in military service.
16 Jun. 1919 out of military service and to school to study for 2nd mates license
15 Oct. 1919 passed exam.
12 Nov. 1919 3rd Officer Maasdijk 130,–
03 Dec. 1919 3rd Officer Waaldijk 130,– Java – New York
01 Jan. 1920 wage increase 140,–
25 Mar. 1920 act 2nd officer Waaldijk 240,–
07 Jun. 1920 3rd Officer Waaldijk 175,-
01 Jan. 1920 wage increase 185,– back dated
15 Oct. 1920 wage increase 190,–
01 Jan. 1921 2nd Officer Waaldijk 240,–
30 May. 1921 2nd Officer Zuiderdijk 240,–
01 Sep. 1921 wage decrease 228,–
17 Nov. 1921 Temporary ashore to go to school for 1st mates license. Passed 13 Jul. 1922
27 Jul. 1922 2nd Officer Amsteldijk 210,–
07 Aug. 1922 2nd Officer Zuiderdijk 210,-
18 Dec. 1922 2nd Officer Waaldijk 210,-
20 Dec. 1922 2nd Officer Burgerdijk 210,-
13 Mar. 1923 2nd Officer Eemdijk 210,–
06 Jun. 1923 Temporarily ashore
05 Jul. 1923 2nd Officer Zijldijk 210,–
08 Aug. 1923 2nd Officer Breedijk 210,–
30 Jan. 1924 temporarily shore
01 Apr. 1924 2nd Officer Rijndam 210,–
01 Oct. 1924 2nd Officer Leerdam 210,–
26 Aug. 1926 Temporarily ashore 210,–
01 Sep. 1916 2nd officer Leerdam 210,–
19 Nov. 1926 Temporarily ashore 210,–
?? ???. 1927 2nd officer Leerdam 210,–
01 Apr. 1927 Temporarily ashore 220,–
10 May. 1927 Chief Officer Burgerdijk 285,–
11 Dec. 1927 Temporarily ashore 220,–
12 Jan. 1928 2nd officer Rijndam 220,–
22 Feb. 1928 ashore 220,–
13 Mar. 1928 2nd Officer Volendam 220,–
31 Mar. 1928 Chief Officer Blommersdijk 285,–
15 Sep. 1928 Chief Officer Blijdendijk 285,–
16 Mar. 1929 temporarily shore stayed behind in Amsterdam ill.
29 Apr. 1929 2nd officer ashore 230,–
18 Jul. 1929 Chief Officer Andijk 285,–
30 Aug. 1929 Chief Officer Andijk 295,– wage increase
01 Feb. 1930 Temporarily Ashore 295,– on leave
13 Feb. 1930 Chief Officer Andijk 295,–
11 May. 1930 Temporarily ashore 295 leave during voyages
26 Sep. 1930 Chief officer ashore 295,–
15 Oct. 1930 set back to 2nd officer due to the situation of the Time
16 Oct. 1930 2nd officer Sr. Nieuw Amsterdam 245,–
16 May. 1931 Temporarily ashore 245,– destined for the Indies
10 Jun. 1931 2nd Officer Nieuw Amsterdam 245,–
22 Jun. 1931 2nd Officer Burgerdijk 245,– at NY with the train to Philadelphia
27 Mar. 1932 wage decrease to 208,–
13 Apr. 1932 Temporarily ashore at 70% 208,–
27 May. 1932 2nd Officer Maasdam 208,–
17 Sep. 1932 Temporarily ashore 70 % 208,–
22 Sep. 1932 2nd Officer Maasdam 208,– with 30% suppletie
07 Dec. 1932 Temporarily ashore 208,– on leave
10 Dec. 1932 Temporarily ashore at 70% 208,–
20 Feb. 1933 2nd Officer Volendam 208,–
25 Feb. 1933 Temporarily ashore at 70% 208,–
28 Feb. 1933 2nd Officer Binnendijk 208,–
19 May. 1933 2nd Officer Volendam 208,–
17 Jun. 1933 Temporarily ashore 208,–
19 Jun. 1933 2nd Officer Burgerdijk 208,–
28 Jun. 1933 Wage decrease with 5% in accordance with circulaire No 929 dated 27 June 1933
22 Sep. 1933 2nd Officer Breedijk 208,–
03 Dec. 1933 Temporarily ashore 208,– regular leave
17 Dec. 1933 2nd Officer Boschdijk 208,–
21 Dec. 1933 Temporarily ashore 208,– ill with the flu
28 Dec. 1933 Wage decrease to 187,20 see circ 929 dated 27 June 33
07 Jan. 1934 2nd Officer Blommersdijk 187,20 from 1 Jan. 34 on 70%
17 May. 1934 temporarily ashore 187,20
22 may 1934 2nd Officer Beemsterdijk 187,20
09 Aug. 1934 temporarily ashore 187,20
21 Aug. 1934 2nd Officer Beemsterdijk 187,20
01 Oct. 1934 Wage decreased to 181,–
01 Feb. 1935 Act. Chief Officer Maasdam 211,75
30 Apr. 1935 2nd Officer Beemstedijk 181,– setback to 2d.o
16 Apr. 1935 Act. Chief Officer Edam 211,75 promoted to Acting Chief. Officer.
15 Nov. 1935 Act. Chief Officer Spaarndam 211,75
10 May. 1936 Temporarily ashore 211,75
08 Jun. 1936 Act. Chief Officer Spaarndam 211,75
16 Jul. 1936 Wage increase to 215,50
13 Mar. 1937 Temporarily ashore 215,50 regular leave
25 Mar. 1937 Chief Officer Maasdam 215,50
17 Jun. 1937 Temporarily ashore 215,50 regular leave
24 Jun. 1937 Chief Officer Maasdam 215,50
16 Jul. 1937 Wage increase to 219,.50
01 Oct. 1937 acc, to new regulations 255,25
In October 1937 the company changed their administration system. And all the files since this date are kept with the Holland America pension fund and not available for research.
1940 – 1945 ashore
13 Aug. 1945 Chief Officer Sloterdijk 362,–
13 Jul. 1946 Captain Fort Orange
24 Apr. 1947 Captain Blijdendijk
10 Dec. 1947 Captain Sommelsdijk (II)
01 Sep.- 1949 Captain Averdyk (until 08 Jul. 1951)
25 Aug. 1951 Captain Duivendyk (until 29 Dec. 1951)
05 Jan. 1952 Captain Noordam (II) (until 28 Jan. 1952)
No further assignments
(a) photo out of the collection of Captain A.M van Gemert.
(b) Stamboek and mouvementenboeken HAL archive as held by the Municipal Archives of the City of Rotterdam.
(c) Voyage information and photos Capt. Albert database and Photo collection.
(d) Mr. Frank van der Meulen, California, USA. for quotes.
Updated: 16 January 2025.
May 11, 2019 at 7:17 pm
B.J.Couvée was mijn opa. Uiteindelijk kapitein bij de HAL. In 1951 of 1952 een andere betrekking gekregen en de HAL verlaten.
Ik zou graag meer over zijn tijd bij de HAL willen weten. Wellicht kunt u me verder helpen.
May 19, 2019 at 9:49 pm
Mijn dank voor Uw interresse.
Helaas weet ik zelf ook nog niet alteveel. Kapitein Couvee staat op mijn lijst voor verder onderzoek, dus hopelijk kom ik daar redelijk snel aan toen. Ik weet dat hij voor het eerst kapitein werd op de Blijdendijk in 1946 op de Fort Orange en daar op bleef varen in 1947 toen het schip hernaamd werd in Blijdendijk. Dan in december 1947 gaat hij over op de Sommelsdijk waar hij tenminste tot 1949 op vaart. De jaren daarna moet ik nog uit zoeken.
Geboren op 13 augustus 1895 in Tiel als zoon van een verzekerings inspector, werkzaam in Arnhem. Ging naar de zeevaartschool in Amsterdam in 1913 en kwam bij de HAL in 1914. In 1955 zou hij dus 60 jaar zijn geweest en dan was hij met pensioen gegaan als hij was blijven varen. Ik weet nog niet wanneer hij bij de hal gestopt is, maar dat komt vanzelf als ik door de vaar boeken van de jaren 50 heenga. Hetzelfde geldt voor de jaren 40 – 45. ik heb hem nog niet kunnen vinden in de oorlogs registers van de HAL, dus er is een kans dat hij in WWII niet op zee was. Vandaar ook dat hij in 1946 pas zijn eigen schip kreeg.
Kapt. Albert
January 14, 2025 at 6:54 pm
Hallo Capt Albert, een gele tijd geleden (11 mei 2019) hebben we contact gehad over mijn opa, kapitein B.J. Couvée (HAL). Destijds was je nog bezig met uitzoekwerk naar de bijzonderheden in de jaren 40-45 en de vaarboeken van de jaren 50.
Hoe staat het momenteel net dat uitzoekwerk? En is er al iets meer bekend over zijn tijd bij de Holland Amerikalijn? We zijn erg nieuwsgierig
January 16, 2025 at 10:37 pm
Goede morgen,
Mijn dank voor de herinnering. Ik had Kapitein Couvee nog op de wachtlijst staan omdat ik niets weet van wat tussen 1937 en 1945 met hem gaande was.
Omdat U dus de vraag weer stelt, heb ik alles wat ik tot nu toe heb kunnen vinden, op de zijn bio pagina gezet
zoals U kunt zien zijn er nog een hoop gaten in het verhaal. Dus als uw aanvullingen hebt (kinderen, familie, photos, op zee en thuis, iets weet van de tweede wereld oorlog), dan houdt ik mij van harte aanbevolen
Capt. albert