Hartog, Heijs Bernard.

Captain Hartog Heijs. Photo taken from the assembly photo of the Dutch Captains Society in 1917 at Falmouth.
Hartogh Heijs; Bernard.
Captain Bernard Hartog Heijs was born on 27 July 1879 in The Hague (s’Gravenhage). He attended the “Kweekschool voor de Zeevaart” in Amsterdam and was accepted on 06 August 1894. His father Samuel Bernardus Hartog Heijs was a book keeper (final control) for the Council of Delft. His mother’s name was Geertruida Kunz at the time of signing the “intake papers” of the school.
They had married on 21 September 1881 at The Hague. It is unclear why there are two years between the date of his birth and the parents marrying. There seems to have been 5 children (subject to confirmation of which 2 sons died within the year of birth) He grew up in the City of Delft and lived by the time of going to Amsterdam at the Korenmarkt 81. (a)
While at the Maritime Academy, his school marks show above average scores in drawing (10 out of 10) and in languages. For this skill he was awarded in his 3rd year, a box with painters tools and paint. On 24 August 1898 he is assigned to the Holland America Line ship ss Statendam (I) with captain F.H. Bonjer in command with a wage of Fl 10,– a month. For the 2nd stint of his cadetship he is placed on board the ss Werkendam.
He returns on 24 September 1899 from his cadet year with a very good report. When he passes his 3rd mates exam on 22 November 1899 it is noted that he did so with the inclusion of passing grades for 3 languages. He was then dismissed on the 25th from the academy with the notifications as being very skilled, very well behaved and having had good reports. (a)
He then rejoins Holland America Line.
On 28 December 1911 he marries in Rotterdam Hendrina Philippina Mulder (born Haarlem 12 Sep. 1885). She passes away on 29 November 1944, killed during an air attack on the house they were living in as it was located next to a railway. (c.)
He is promoted to Captain in 1912 and assigned to the ss Soestdijk (I). In 1917 he is with his ship in Famouth were 27 other Dutch cargo ships have congregated, all hesitant to leave due to the unlimited U-boat war declared by Germany shortly before. Contrary to merchant ships from countries involved in the war, the Dutch neutral ships, did not receive any Navy escort protection and were thus “sitting ducks” if they would leave for open sea after the German declaration.
This was borne out, when a convoy of seven Dutch ships did leave and were torpedoed while in open waters. This included two Holland America Line ships. While all these ships were there the captains decided to form a Captains Society to be able contact the Dutch Government and other parties inregards to any captains concerns. Capt. Hartog Heijs was thus a founding member of this Society. His ship made it out unscathed and was then laid up in New York. When the USA joined the war, nearly all the foreign ships in American ports were seized, but the crews remained with them. This lasted until late 1918 when these ships were put into American service and the “Dutch Sommelsdijk” became the “USS Sommelsdijk”. Then all these Dutch captains and crew had to go home as with the neutrality of the Dutch Government they cold no longer stay with their ships. Hence Captain Heijs and his crew returned to Rotterdam on board the ss “Nieuw Amsterdam”.

Captain Hartog Heijs in the center during the noon time sun observations by the deck officers. On board ss Kinderdijk. (Capt. Verhoog collection)
In June 1919 he returns to sea and is assigned to the ss “kinderdijk” (I). By 1925 he is sailing on the newer G class ships on the new company service to the west coast of the America going as far as Vancouver.
He leaves the company on own request in 1927. Reason as of yet unknown. He was now only 48 years old, so in principle much too young to retire.
His wife dies on 29 November 1944 as the result of gun fire aimed at the house located next to the railroad (Groenelaantje 24, Nunspeet)
Captain Hartog Heijs passes away on 11 Oct. 1962 at the age of 83 years old and is buried in Nunspeet in county of Gelderland. It looks like it that he took over the family house in Nunspeet as his mother had passed away there in 1936.
- Comportementen Boek of the Kweekschool voor de Zeevaart in Amsterdam as held by the City Archives of Amsterdam
- Genealogy Information via Mr. E.A Kruidhof
- . Leo den Hartog
Sailing List:
Date: Function: Ship: Wages and/or remarks.
24 Aug. 1898 Cadet Statendam 10,–
10 Jun. 1899 Cadet Werkendam 15,–
21 Sep. 1899 Temporary dismissed to got to school for 3rd mates license Passed 22 nov 1899
17 Jan. 1900 4th. Officer Spaarndam 30,–
06 Feb. 1901 4th. Officer Maasdam 30,–
10 Sep. 1901 Act. 3rd officer Maasdam 40,–
20 Jan. 1902 3rd officer Maasdam 50,–
08 Apr. 1902 3rd. officer Potsdam 50,–
01 May.1902 3rd. officer Amsterdam 50,–
25 Mar. 1903 3rd. officer Potsdam 50,–
02 Dec. 1903 Temporary dismissed to go to school for study 2nd mates license. Passed on 9 march 1904
11 Mar. 1904 Act. 2nd officer Jr. Potsdam 60,–
09 Nov. 1904 Act. 2nd officer Amsteldijk 60,–
30 Aug. 1905 Act, 2nd officer Jr. Noordam 60,–
17 Jan. 1906 Temporary dismissed to go to school for study 1st mates license.
29 Jan. 1906 act 2nd officer Jr. Statendam 60,–
11 Apr. 1906 Temporary dismissed to go to school for study first mates exam.
14 Jun. 1906 Did not pass.
11 Jul. 1906 Act. 2nd Officer Jr. Noordam 60,–
05 Dec. 1906 Act. 2nd Officer Amsteldijk 60,–
24 Jan. 1907 2nd Officer Statendam 60,–
13 Apr. 1907 2nd Officer Statendam 70,–
17 Jun. 1907 Temporary dismissed to go to school for study 1st mate. Passed on 8 Oct. 1907
14 Oct. 1907 2nd Officer Statendam 70,–
16 Nov. 1907 2nd Officer Statendam 70,– Transferred in Boulogne Sur Mer
09 Jun. 1908 2nd Officer Rotterdam 70,–
26 Nov. 1908 Act. Chief Officer Soestdijk 90,–
06 Mar. 1909 2nd Officer Nieuw Amsterdam 70,–
19 Apr. 1909 Chief Officer Potsdam 100,–
22 Nov. 1909 Chief Officer Statendam 100,–
29 Dec. 1909 Chief Officer Potsdam 100,–
09 Mar. 1910 Chief Officer Nieuw Amsterdam 100,–
Per 1 Jan. 1911 due to wage review 175,–
30 Jul. 1911 Wage increase 190.—
24 Nov.1911 Dismissed for one voyage from the Nieuw Amsterdam. Stays behind to get married.
06 Feb. 1912 Wage increase 200,–
23 Oct. 1912 Promotion to captain 250,–
23 Oct. 1912 Captain Soestdijk 250,–
08 Jan. 1914 Standby ashore
04 Feb. 1914 Captain Sommelsdijk 250,–
01 Jan 1916 Wage increase 275,–
11 Oct. 1916 Temporary ashore
21 Dec. 1916 Captain Sommelsdijk 275,–
01 Aug. 1918 Wages increased 325,–
04 Dec. 1918 temporary ashore with the Nieuw Amsterdam to Rotterdam (as ship has been seized by the USA)
22 jun. 1919 Captain Kinderdijk 325,–
01 Jul. 1919 Wage increase 675,–
01 Jan. 1920 Wage increase 700,–
15 Oct. 1920 Wage increase 725,–
16 Oct. 1921 Wage decrease 660,–
02 Jul. 1922 Wage decrease 635,–
28 Jul. 1922 temporary ashore
02 Aug. 1922 Captain Dinteldijk 635,-
17 May 1923 Temporary ashore
14 Aug. 1923 Captain Drechtdijk 635,–
02 May 1924 Captain Moerdijk 635,–
11 Sep. 1924 Captain Grootendijk 635,–
16 Oct. 1924 Captain Drechtdijk 635,–
22 Oct. 1924 Suspended until 1 July 1925
01 Jul. 1925 Temp ashore
07 Jul. 1925 Captain Dinteldijk 635, via the Harwich ferry
01 Jul. 1926 one year sick leave without wages
01 Apr. 1927 Wage increase to 655,–
13 Jun. 1927 Retired from the company on own request.
Last Updated: 07 June 2023
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