Krijt, Samuel Jacob.

Captain S. Krijt (d)
Information known so far:
Born at The Hague 3 Dec. 1843 as soon of Albertus Krijt and Cornelia Schuller.
Described in the archive of the Governmental Seaman’s Agency in Dordrecht( established for Engagement / signing off ships crews) in 1866 as being 1.68 meters high with light blond hair, blue eyes and being in good health.
On 23 June 1866 he is 3rd Officer on the medium size Clipper Kosmopliet 1 (Company Gbr. Blusse van Oud Alblas, Dordrecht, Capt. Jurgen de Groot pennant D89) and engaged for a voyage to Batavia.

The medium size clipper Kosmopoliet 1. Here illustrated being under command of its first captain. (c) These sort of ships were in service between Dordrecht (Netherlands) and Batavia (Dutch East Indies) and could carry, apart from cargo, a large number of passengers and troops. A round trip could last up to a year and 2 year round trips were not unusual. (e)
On 18 May 1871 he marries at Dordrecht Margrietha Christina van Wijk (06 April 1848 Dordrecht – 02 August 1917 Voorburg) she was a daughter of Pieter van Wijk and Johanna Willemina van Roosendaal.
Albertus ( 01 march 1872 Rotterdam – 05 November 1876 Dordrecht)
Pieter (02 June 1874 Dordrecht – 24 March 1943 Amerongen)
Albertus (27 November 1876 Dordrecht – ?? )
Cornelia (22 November 1878 Rotterdam – ??)
Samuel Jacob (31 December 1880 Rotterdam – ?? ) His son sailed for the KPM from Amsterdam in the East Indies. (a, d)
He seemed to have remained with this ship and or the company as on 16 Aug. 1870 he is 1st mate on the same ship for a voyage to Batavia (Now Captain Hendrik Dienske, Pennant D 7)
From 07 July 1871 until 1874 he still is with the same ship as First Mate. (Capt. Teunis Huizer pennant D 13) (b)
An interesting coincidence is that the Master on the clipper Kosmopoliet 2 was Captain Chevalier who also joined Holland America in 1877 so they must have come over together.
Then he joined NASM in July 1877. His first ship was the ss Maas, later renamed in Maasdam when the company streamlined the naming system. The Maas was the 2nd ship of the company built for the forebear of the NASM, the C.V Plate & Reuchlin company.

The ss Maas from a drawing made around 1873. The drawing is not very accurate in the sense that the smoke is going against the wind which is blowing into the sails. The ship in the left background is showing it the right way. (f)
Upon promotion to captain he was awarded Pennant R 50 of the Rotterdam Seaman college (sort of a mutual insurance company “Maatschappij to Nut der Zeevaart”. He was allowed to fly the pennant (which helped with the ships recognition at sea, but could not derive any financial benefits of being a member.
Sailing List: (c)
Sailing Date: Function Ship Wages
20 Jul. 1877 2nd officer Maas 60,–
08 Apr. 1878 First officer Rotterdam 90,–
?? Dec. 1878 First officer P. Caland 100,–
02 Jun. 1882 Captain Rotterdam 200,—
The ss Rotterdam I stranded on 26 Sep. 1883 and the ship was declared a Totall Loss.
As Holland America did not have a replacement command, Captain Krijt left the company.
?? Oct. 1883 Dismissed.
(Please that dismissed in 1880’s meant voyage completed not working for the company until the next voyage starts. In those days crews were not paid, when not sailing)

The ss Rotterdam (I) This was the first ship of the company and a sister to the ss Maas. The painter C.A de Vries got it right with the wind as the smoke from the funnel goes the same way as the smoke is billowing. The full story of the ship can be found on this website.(f)
It seems that he did not return to sea but became a Teacher at the Nautical School at Scheveningen and was later the Director of the School. He retired on 24 October 1910 and passed away on 9 December 1921 in the roman Catholic hospital at The Hague. After his retirement he continued to live at Scheveningen which is the port / fishing village attached to the city of the Hague.
He was noted in 1888 to be part of the Committee for organising the festivities for celebrating that 75 years ago (30 Nov. 1813) Prins Willem Fredrik, later King Willem I landed at Scheveningen to restore the Dutch Monarchy after the occupation by Napoleon.
a. E.H Kruidhof for genealogy information
b. Piet’s Scheepsvaartindex
c. Personnel information “Stamboek” Holland America Line archives as held by the Municipal Archives of the City of Rotterdam.
d. Jan F Krijt February 2020: I have added some updates provided by Mr. J.F Krijt which is the Great Grandson (*) of the Captain for which my thanks. These pertains to the period before joining HAL and after leaving. The first son of Captain Krijt, also a Samuel, did not go to sea but his son did and also his great grandson.
(e) February 2020: picture of the Kosmopoliet 1 found on the website:
(f) Authors Collection.
Last updated: 05 March 2021
March 6, 2019 at 2:27 pm
Beste Albert,
Kwam bij toeval op jouw website terecht en ontdekte daar de naam van mijn bet-overgrootvader: Samuel Jacob Krijt. Ik wist van mijn vader (ook een S.J. Krijt en ook kapitein, maar dan bij de KPM) dat hij bij de HAL gevaren had en ook op de eerste Rotterdam kapitein was geweest, maar meer heb ik nooit geweten. De HAL heeft destijds mij nog wel willen strikken om bij hen te komen varen (1966) maar ik wilde weer naar de tropen (geboren daar) en kwam bij de KJCPL.
Ben verrast met de nieuwe informatie die jij hebt kunnen geven.
Nog een toeval: eind mei ga ik een cruise maken (voor het eerst) naar de fjorden met de Nieuw Statendam. Zal toch niet zo zijn dat jij daar dan gezagvoerder op bent?
Ga me nog wat verdiepen in deze materie.
Voor het moment een kweekelingen groet ,
Jan F. Krijt
March 6, 2019 at 10:44 pm
Thank you for reading my blog.
I will contact you off site, as I am still hunting for more information about Captain,Krijt.
best regards
Capt. Albert
March 5, 2022 at 4:05 pm
Dear Albert,
After reading once again above I noticed that regarding my father who sailed as Captain with the KPM it is mentioned “West Indies”. This should be the East Indies.
Just to make it complete.
Jan F. Krijt
March 5, 2022 at 9:13 pm
Thank you for the correction, and the photo you sent today (05 march 20222) The correction has been made and the photo uploaded.
Bet regards
Capt. Albert