- Captain Albert's Website and Blog -

Ocean Liner History and Stories from the Sea, Past and Present. With an In Depth focus on Holland America Line

Pothof, Jacobus Christiaan

Capt. Pothof J.C. Statendam,1967 small

Captain J.C. Pothof was a shipsmaster in the 1950′ and 60’s.


  1. i was able to purchase an autograph from captain j.c. pothof.

    does anybody knows something about his life , dates of birth and death.

    many thanks


    • Thank you for reading my blog

      I hope to upload the biography of Captain Pothof in the spring of 2020.

      Best regards

      Capt. Albert

    • Hello Peter,

      Just reading your comment now, I’d happy to answer your questions, being the son of captain Pothof.
      We’ve exchanged some emails with captain Albert in the resent past, thank you Captain Albert for the opportunity, very nice to have found this valuable place on the web! Perhaps we can meet sometime as discussed, or I can sent some more information, details and pictures of my father.

      Kind regards,
      Willem Pothof

      • thank you for responding on the blog.

        Everything to keep the HAL captains memory alive is important to me and I try to do my best for it.

        I still have challenges to get the whole Capt. Pothof time line complete, as Old HAL pension fund is not allowing access to the time lines of his career. So I do not have anything between 1938 and 1940.War period is complete. then there is the gap 1945 to 1955 (first appointment captain on the Averdyk) then small gaps in the next years (transfer dates to other ships) and then the complete years of 1965. 1966 missing. No company records available. So I can not put his biography on the website yet, as I am lacking these details. Hopefully there is a family member who has his seamans’ book and some family photos.

        Best regards

        Capt. Albert

  2. Dear Captain Albert,

    Thank you for the email you’ve sent, there is quite a lot of documentation, which I am not sure if all is interesting for you though. I did find a seaman’s book with dates from sept. ’38 up to feb. ’55, so that would close one gap. Then there is another seaman’s book with only a few dates in ’55 with trips on the Ryndam. His later journeys I do not have officially documented yet found the following shiphames mentioned on menu’s and other booklets alike with Captain Pothof as shipmaster; Nieuw Amsterdam, Rotterdam, Statendam, Ryndam, Maasdam, Princes Margriet, Eemdijk, Grotedijk, Averdijk, Dongedijk.
    I’ll continue my reply via email. Thank you again for the occasion to have some memorable documentation about my father online.

    Kind regards,

    • Hi Willem, totdat I found an old picture of the Statendam signed by captain Pothof! Is this something you would like to have? It is still in the second hand store!

      Vriendelijke groet,


  3. Hallo Willem,

    Hebben jullie vroeger op de vuursteeg 8 te Lisse gewoond?

    Groet SP Buschman
    Bewoner vuursteeglaan 8 te Lisse

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