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Ocean Liner History and Stories from the Sea, Past and Present. With an In Depth focus on Holland America Line

Scale, Georg.

Captain Georg Scale. This photo is from the 50’s. most likely shortly after taking command.

Georg Scale was born on 06 July 1912 at Breda as a son of Johann Georg Scale ( 1873 – 1947) whose profession was Electrician and Johanna Cornelia Jacoba Quanjer (1878 – 1964)  His forefathers came originally from Embden Germany (a)

He decided to go the sea and enrolls on 05 September 1932 at the “Kweekschool van de Zeevaart” in Amsterdam for the one year course. (Which indicates that his  secondary schooling included a full course in Mathematics and Physics). His school marks also indicate an affinity with those topics as it were his highest school scores. He completes his education in  one year.

His father is then noted as being a “Department Head of the Machinery Company “Breda” in the town of Breda”. He is discharged from the Academy on 11 July 1933 and returns to his home at Hendrikstaat 16 in Breda.

On 17 July 1933 he joins the Holland America Line as cadet officer on board the ms Leerdam. Followed by similar assignments on board the Boschdijk and the Delftdijk. On 07 October 1934 he is dismissed from the company to return to

Georg Scale in the uniform of the Kweekschool voor de Zeevaart (c)school to study for his 3rd Mates exam.

And obtains his 3rd mates license on 20 Febr. 1935.  It is noted that his school and sailing reports are considered  as Very Good.

The ss Delftdijk was in service on the route Rotterdam  to Vancouver. On this ship he spent most of his cadet year. Here the ship is seen approaching Vancouver.

He rejoins the Holland America Line on 03 March 1935 while the depression was still not finished and while he sails, he also spends short periods on the ships while they are in Rotterdam and not sailing. It was a Holland America routine to send the whole crew home after returning from a voyage and then have a “Watch- crew” come on board to look after the ship. This brought some money in the pocket but was not always great fun as in the winter the ships boiler(s) were not always kept on if it was expected that the ship would be alongside for a longer period. No boiler = no steam and no steam means no heat or electricity. Then a cable had be pulled from the shore to get some light on board but this only worked when docked and often the ships were put on the buoys while between voyages.


Georg Scale as fourth Officer (c) as was customary in those days, if there was shore leave, an officer went ashore in his nice uniform with cap. (ED: I think this photo was taken in Havana) In August 1939 we find him board the ss Spaardam II (Captain Folkert Dobbinga Sr) which was making a voyage from Rotterdam to Antwerp – New Orleans – Tampa – Mobile – Houston – Galveston – New Orleans and then back to Europe.

The ss Spaarndam (II) Built in 1921 it had originally 2 funnels but in 1935 the passenger accommodation was reduced and one funnel was removed.

By that time, the 2nd World War had broken out but the Netherlands were still neutral. That meant that the Ship had to stop in the Thames of the town of Deal; where it was at anchor from 09 October to 18 November awaiting inspection by the British Authorities against contraband. It then docks between 18  and 26 November at Gravesend and is then released with permission to sail to Rotterdam. The next day, while sailing out of the Thames Estuary the ship hits a mine, catches fire and burns out.  A cooks mate dies in the explosion which rips through several decks and 3 other crew perish during the lowering of the life boats.  The ships drifts ashore and completely burns out due to the cargo of cotton bales on board.

The ss Spaarndam (II) on fire.

Just before this voyage he marries at Rotterdam on 24 May 1939 Helena Dorothea Jacoba Vlamings (22 Aug. 1915 – 23 march 1973) as daughter of Fransiscus Carolus Maria Vlamings and Jacoba Paulina Bouw.

There were 3 children:

Maria Johanna (Miep)  – born 1940

Johan Frans (Hans)        – born 1941

Frans Georg      –  born. 1946

During the war he was stuck ashore as he happened to be on leave when the invasion came. Unknown is what he did between 1940 and 1944. But then he was arrested and sent as “forced labor” to Bielefeld in Germany where he was employed as a baker. The German bakers (even the older ones) had by that time being called to join the German Army.

After the capitulation of Germany he was invited to join the US Army (194 th. Glider Infantry) to act as a Translator due to his language knowledge. (A lot of young non-military Dutch men ended up in these functions, coming from the most unusual backgrounds) He had his own car with driver and all sorts of perks with a ration card included.

On 25 July 1945 he returns via Venlo, in the south east of the Netherlands back into the country.


Georg Scale became captain around 1954 when the company bought in short time 11 new cargo ships to rebuilt de fleet.


Captain Georg Scale passed away on 06 August 1982 in the town of “Loon op Zand” in the province of North Brabant aged 70.

  • (a) A Kruidhof
  • (b) Stamboek and Movementboek with personal details from the HAL Archives as held by the Municipal Archives of City of Rotterdam
  • (c) Mr. Frans Georg (son)

Sailing list: (b)

Date:                    Function:                            Ship:                                    Wages and/or remarks.

17 Jul. 1933         Cadet Officer                     Leerdam                     Fl 25,–

24 Aug. 1933       Cadet Officer                     Boschdijk                  Fl 25,–

03 Nov. 1933      Cadet Officer                     Delftdijk                     Fl 25,–

20 Dec. 1933      Wages reduced to                                                    Fl. 23.50

07 Oct. 1934       Dismissed for study 3rd mate’s exam

21 Feb. 1935       Passed the exam for 3rd Mates certificate               Placed on applicants list

03 Mar. 1935      Fourth Officer                   Maasdam                      Fl 92,– Temporary enlisted.

13 Mar. 1935      Fourth Officer                   Bilderdijk                     Fl 92,–

15 Mar. 1935      Fourth Officer                   Breedijk                        Fl 92,–

09 Jun. 1935       Temporary ashore                                                     Fl 92,–

11 Jun. 1935       Fourth Officer                   Leerdam                       Fl 92,–

18 Dec. 1935      Fourth Officer                   Boschdijk                     Fl 92,–

26 Mar. 1936      Fourth Officer                   Leerdam                       Fl 92.—

05 Apr. 1936       Fourth Officer                   Delftdijk                      Fl 92,–

17 Apr. 1936       Fourth Officer                   Edam                               Fl. 92,–

03 May. 1936     Fourth Officer                   Beemsterdijk               Fl 92,—

15 May. 1936     Fourth Officer                   Spaarndam                    Fl 92,–

21 May. 1936     Fourth Officer                   Beemsterdijk               Fl 92,–

24 May. 1936     Temporary ashore                                                         Fl 92,–

25 May. 1936     Fourth Officer                   Rotterdam                      Fl 92,–

28 May. 1936     Temporary ashore                                                         Fl 92,–

04 Jun. 1936       Fourth Office                     Rotterdam                      Fl 92,–

06 Dec. 1936      Fourth Officer                   Volendam                        Fl 92,–

05 Jan. 1937       Act. 3rd. Officer                 Volendam                       Fl 118,–

14 May.1937      Temporary Ashore                                                        Fl 118,–

18 May. 1937     3rd. Officer                         Edam                                   Fl 118,–

23 May. 1937     Temporary ashore                                                         Fl 118,–

25 May. 1937     3rd. Officer                         Veendam                          Fl 118,–

17 Sep. 1927       3rd. Officer                         Rotterdam                      Fl 118,–               At New York

01 Oct. 1937       According to new regulation.                                Fl 132,–

16 Oct. 1937       3rd Officer                          Veendam                            Fl 118,–               At New York

13 Dec. 1937      Into military service for 6 months.

Then to school for2nd mates license. Was paid 9 days of leave.


10 Aug. 1939    ?? Officer                            Spaarndam

1945 – 1954 gap

13 Mar. 1954      Captain                               Arkeldijk                              5 voyages to Gulf of Mexico


07 Jun.1956        Captain                               Soestdijk                             1 voyage to East coast USA

09 Jul. 1956         Captain                               Waterman                          1 voyage to New York (tbc)

25 Aug. 1956       Captain                               Averdijk                2 voyages to Gulf of Mexico

19 Jan. 1957       Captain                               Averdyk                               3 voyages to Gulf of Mexico


07 Sep.1957        Captain                               Axeldyk                               2 voyages to Gulf of Mexico.

01 Jan. 1958       Captain                               Arnedijk                              4 voyages to Gulf of Mexico

13 Sep. 1958       Captain                               Aardijk                                 1 voyage to Gulf of Mexico

19 Nov. 1958      Captain                               Kloosterdijk                        5 voyages to Gulf of Mexico

09 Sep. 1959       Captain                               Arkeldijk                              NY – Far East

24 Sep. 1960       Captain                               Amsteldijk                          1 Coastal voyage Rdam – Germany

05 Oct. 1960       Captain                               Aardyk                                 5 voyages to Gulf of Mexico

13 Jul. 1961         Captain                               Dinteldijk                            3 voyages to Vancouver

25 Apr. 1962       Captain                               Dalerdijk                             1 voyage to Vancouver

17 Sep. 1952       Captain                               Groote Beer                       1 voyage to New York

31 Oct. 1962       Captain                               Diemerdyk                          2 voyages to Vancouver

27 Aug. 1963       Captain                               Ryndam                              2 voyages to Montreal


Sailing periods on Ryndam, Prinses Margriet and Maasdam. Dates still to be confirmed.

Captain Georg Scale during his period on the Maasdam (III) or Ryndam (II)

10 Oct. 1968       Captain                               Ryndam                              long voyage around the world.

No records yet for after  may 1969

Retired in 1969 or 1972.

Last updated: 24 June 2021



  1. J.H.M. Dionisius

    August 18, 2024 at 1:36 pm

    During the vacancies in my studys I had for several years (1962- 1965) in august a job on board of ss Rotterdam (1959), ss Nieuw Amsterdam and ss Maasdam. All of them were owned by Holland America Line. During one of the voyages Scale was captain on the ship. I can’t remember the ships name and the year.

  2. J.H.M. Dionisius

    August 18, 2024 at 2:17 pm

    During my studies mechanical engineering I worked as a working student several years for example on the ss. MAASDAM.
    A. from 14-07-1963 until 01-08-1963,
    as a chef’s mate; and
    B. from 21-07-1965 until 09-08-1965,
    as a current general service.
    I hope I helped you with this information.

  3. I worked as a workingstudent in the sixties last century on several ships of the Holland America line. In juli 1962 and in august 1965 on the MAASDAM. During both dates was this man captain of the MAASDAM. I met hem during my work in the kitchen when he was doing inspecties in the kitchenette.
    Please send this message to his children.

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