Sjerp, David

Captain Sjerp seen here as 2nd Officer in the 1920’s. (a)
Captain David Sjerp was on born on 01 August 1885 at Schiedam (near Rotterdam) as the son of Bastiaan Sjerp (1851 – ??) and Hijltje Prins (1857 – 1890). Sofar very little is known about his youth and early years.
Most likely he went to school in Schiedam and later Rotterdam as that was his home town. However there is no archive from the Maritime School in Rotterdam from before 1936. The company archives also do not indicate which Nautical School he attended.
He joined Holland America on 31 July 1903 as cadet on board the ss Rijndam (I). Followed by two periods on the cargo ship Sloterdijk (I) and then back to the passenger ships, in this case the ss Potsdam.

The ss Potsdam of 1900. She was the lead ship of a three ship class. The other ships were the Noordam (I) and the Rijndam (I). Of 12,500 Tons, she could carry 282 passengers in 1st. class, 210 in second class and 1800 in third class. The crew came to a total of 255. (e)
While assigned to this ship he is fired from the company on 8 August 1904. . The company archives indicates this was because of a “boyish prank”. But even it being a boyish prank, a Gentleman company like Holland America could not tolerate this and he had to go. The Archives indicate that he was dismissed because he:
Kicked in the door to the doctors office when he could not find the key fast enough.
The records do not tell why he did this. It can be assumed if it was to save a life then the company would have looked at it from a different point of view.

Cadet or 3rd Officer Sjerp. As his cap emblem is not a HAL logo I assume this photo was taken when he started his career with the Japan-China -Japan Line or during a ships visit when he was at his Maritime School. (a)
However by this date he had completed his 365 days at sea and thus he could sit for his 3rd Mate’s exam which he passed passed in December 1904. Going back to the HAL was not possible so he joined the Dutch Java-China-Japan Line which was an Amsterdam based company operating in the Far East. Here he remains until 1909. In April of that year he obtains his 2nd mates certificate and applies to Holland America again. The company was expanding around that time and thus they needed more officers. As a result he was signed on again and joined the cargo ship the ss Zijldijk.

David Sjerp and his wife. Date and location of photo unknown. But Sjerp is in white Officers uniform. (a)
Around 1913 he married Jacoba Petronella Schotman (05 April 1887- 05 April 1946) There were three children (Bastiaan 19 Sep. 1914 and Robine 1916 both born in Rotterdam) (b). Later there was a 3rd daughter called Be(atrice). She emigrated in 1953 to Nieuw Zeeland.
Bastiaan or Bas but also called Bob (by the nearest family) went to the Air branch of the Dutch Royal Navy (Naval Air Service) and became commander of the Navy Airforce Base in Valkenburg and lateron of the whole Dutch Naval Air Service (f). He served with distinction in the war in the Dutch East Indies and served from 1944 onwards in the RAF. Decorated twice with the Dutch DFC.
With the first world war in play and many ships laid up and some later confiscated by the USA, David Sjerp, is one of the lucky officers who is more or less constantly employed alternating between cargo and passengers ship.

Here a photo taken from the bridge of the ss Veendijk while in the Panama Canal. The photo comes from the family album and was most likely taken by the Captain himself as it was only with this ship that he sailed through the Canal. (a)
As soon as the war is over, he is assigned to the “long run” which meant being away for a whole year. Thus he sailed as passenger to New York on the Noordam (I) , joined the ss Veendijk as Chief Officer, sailed on her for a year to the Far East and then returned as passenger to Rotterdam on the Nieuw Amsterdam (I).

Captain Sjerp enjoyed photography. We see him here as Chief Officer (see 4 pips on his revers) taking a photo. However he has a gold braid along the base of the cap so this might be taken after his promotion to captain. Cargo ship captains did not always go to 4 stripes on their uniform. Please note the officers caps. The 2nd Officer to the right is wearing the new version, while Sjerp still has the old one. This dates the photo to the late 20’s. (a)
By 1921 the company had taken a share in the VNS or United Netherlands Steam; a joint venture of several Dutch company’s to fill the gap in the Dutch services as there was no dedicated company sailing to (South) Africa and making loop voyages to the Far East. Each company brought in one or two ships which were then later officially bought by the VNS. Also crew was supplied until the new company could deal with it. As a result he is sent as Chief Officer on 01 November to the ss Bovenkerk (*) and within a month promoted to Captain. (* The naming system of this company was KERK = Church endings for their cargo ships and FONTEIN = Fontain ending for its passenger ships).

ss Sloterdijk (1) Built in 1901 as one of the first purpose built cargo ships by Holland America. Apart from carrying cargo the ship could accommodate 350 head of cattle.
Here he remains for 2 years and then returns to HAL as Captain on the ss Sloterdijk (1), the ship he was cadet on in 1904. From then onwards he spends most of this time on the B Class cargo ships of the company. These ships had been added to the fleet in the years after 1923. Again he is the lucky one as with the world’s economy in the doldrums many officers were laid off but Captain Sjerp kept sailing. By December 1929 he is back on the Bovenkerk, on loan, to bring the ss Bovenkerk back to Rotterdam. For this he had to wait almost a month in New York after having arrived there a passenger on the Nieuw Amsterdam (I)
Then it is back to the B class cargo ships which were mainly employed on the short routes from Rotterdam to New York and the USA ports on the Eastern Sea board and also to the Gulf of Mexico, Florida and Cuba.
On 04 June 1931 he is awarded the Silver Medal of the Dutch Royal Meteorological Society for maintaining and submitting Weather Journals.

The ss Boschdijk. built as one of a series of 10 cargo ships in the 1920’s. She was mainly employed on the North Atlantic service to the East Coast of the USA and the Gulf of Mexico. In May 1940 she was docked in Rotterdam when the Netherlands was invaded and she caught fire during the battle in the port. She was then scrapped. (e)
On 16 September 1931 the ss Boschdijk departs from Rotterdam for a roundtrip to Cuba and the Gulf of Mexico. The ship calls at Antwerp in Belgium and then sails to Havana, where it arrives on October 04. Just after arrival he suffers a stroke and is taken to hospital in Havana,. The Boschdijk sails on with the Chief Officer in command and calls at Vera Cruz, Tampico – Houston – Galveston – New Orleans and then returns to Havana. There on 05 November he reboards his ship but as a passenger for the journey back to Rotterdam. He is now partly lamed and can move one of his legs very slowly. Upon return home he is put on 70% wages, waiting for medical assessment.
Captain Sjerp was forced to retire on 01 April 1932 as his physical state did not allow it for him to continue sailing. Once the retirement grant of the company ran out he had various odd jobs. Times were not easy as the depression was at its severest and for each job available there were 10 able bodied persons waiting in line. The family moved from Den Hague to Kijkduin which in those days was a small village on the outskirts of the large city and a fishing village and summer bath resort. In the end he found work in running a bicycle parking shed.(Believed to be near the beach). The house and road they lived at was destroyed by the German occupier when the “Atlantik Wall” was extended to stop the Allied Invasion. So they had to move which made the family live even more difficult.
He passed away on 14 Aug. 1945 at Zutphen, where he and the family had ended up after having been evicted from Kijkduin. His wife did not survive him for long and passed away a year later. Both were buried at the Old Grave Yard in Zutphen. (b)

The captains grave. (c)
Sailing Dates; (d)
Date: Function: Ship: Wages and/or remarks.
31 Jul. 1903 Cadet Rijndam 10,–
11 Nov. 1903 Cadet Sloterdijk 10,–
01 Feb. 1904 Cadet Sloterdijk 15,–
26 May.1904 Cadet Potsdam 15,–
08 Aug. 1904 Dismissed due to a boyish prank. (Kicked in the door to the doctors office when he could not find the key fast enough)
Returned to the company after having served with the Java – China – Japan Line.
Obtained 3nd mates certificate in Dec. 1904
Obtained 2nd mate’s certificate in Apr. 1909
26 Apr. 1909 2nd Officer Zijldijk 60,–
19 May.1910 2nd Officer Andijk 60,–
17 Aug. 1910 2ND Officer Amsteldijk 60,–
01 Jan. 1911 2nd Officer Amsteldijk 100,–
15 Jul. 1911 Temporary dismissed for study for 3month period for first mates license.
29 Nov. 1911 2nd Officer Rotterdam 100,-
03 Jan. 1912 2nd Officer Gorredijk 100,-
21 Aug. 1913 2nd Officer Gorredijk 100,-
15 Sep. 1913 2nd Officer Gorredijk 120,–
25 Nov. 1913 Temporary dismissed for study for 2 month period.
25 Feb. 1914 2nd Officer Soestdijk 120,–
21 Apr. 1914 Did not pass first mate’s exam
24 Apr. 1914 2nd Officer Noordam 120,–
29 May.1 914 Obtained chief mates license, during lay over of ship in port.
03 Jul. 1914 Wage increase 130,–
15 Aug. 1914 Chief Officer Noordam 130,–
22 Sep. 1914 Chief Officer Noordam 140,–
28 Nov. 1914 Chief Officer Veendijk 140,–
09 Mar. 1915 Chief Officer Veendijk 150,–
16 Mar.1915 Temporary ashore due to trip to England
30 Mar.1915 Chief Officer Rijndam 150,–
27 Aug. 1915 Temporary dismissed.
01 Sep. 1915 Chief Officer Maasdijk 150,-
28 Apr. 1916 Wages increased to 170,-
11 Sep. 1916 Wages increased to 180,–
19 Jul. 1917 Wages increased to 190.—
18 Sep.1918 Chief Officer Schiedijk 190,–
01 Mar.1918 Chief Officer Schiedijk 200,–
05 May. 1919 Came home as passenger on Noordam.
03 Sep. 1919 Chief Officer Veendijk 300,–
01 Jun. 1920 Chief Officer Nieuw Amsterdam 320.— at New York.
13 Jun. 1920 temporary ashore for leave 320,— (wages and per diems) for 18 days.
01 Jul. 1920 Chief Officer Rijndam 320,–
01 Jan. 1920 wages increased 340,– (starting 1 Jan. 1920)
01 Oct. 1920 Wages increased 370,–
11 Nov. 1920 Chief Officer Soestdijk 370,–
19 Nov. 1920 Chief Officer Gorredijk 370,–
01 Sep. 1921 Wages decreased 338,– per 16 Oct. 1921
22 Oct. 1921 Temporary ashore.
01 Nov. 1921 Chief Officer Bovenkerk 398,–
25 Nov. 1921 Act. Captain Bovenkerk 585,–
25 Nov. 1922 Act. Captain Bovenkerk 650,–
17 Mar. 1923 Ashore
03 Apr. 1923 Act. Captain Bovenkerk 650,–
13 Apr. 1923 Act. Captain Sloterdijk 560,–
15 Oct. 1923 Chief Officer Ashore 360,–
24 Dec. 1923 Act. Captain Boschdijk 560,–
24 Mar. 1924 Act. Captain Westerdijk 560,–
01 Mar. 1924 Act. Captain Boschdijk 560,–
25 Jun. 1924 Chief Officer Ashore 360,–
08 Sep. 1924 Act. Captain Blommersdijk 560,–
01 Dec. 1924 Act. Captain Burgerdijk 560,–
19 May. 1925 Act. Captain Blommersdijk 560,–
03 May. 1926 Act. Captain Ashore 560,–
08 May. 1926 Act. Captain Boschdijk 560,–
29 Dec. 1926 Ashore 560,–
07 Jan. 1927 Act. Captain Blommersdijk 560,–
01 Apr. 1927 Wage increase Blommersdijk 580,–
05 Apr. 1928 Captain Beemsterdijk 580,– by train from NY to Phil.
07 May. 1928 Captain Ashore 580,–
31 Jul. 1928 Captain Gaasterdijk 580,–
11 Jan. 1929 Captain Blommersdijk 580,–
11 Jan. 1929 Wage increase to 600,–
01 Mar. 1929 Captain Westerdijk 600,–
09 May. 1929 Captain Blommersdijk 600,–
12 Nov. 1929 Ashore
03 Dec. 1929 Captain Bovenkerk 600,–
12 Dec. 1929 Captain Bilderdijk 600,–
01 Jan. 1930 Wage increase 620,–
10 Aug. 1930 Captain Ashore 620,–
19 Nov. 1930 Captain Binnendijk 620,–
09 Apr. 1931 Captain Bilderdijk 620,–
11 Sep. 1931 Captain Boschdijk 620,–
01 Mar. 1929 Captain Westerdijk 600,–
09 May. 1929 Captain Blommersdijk 600,–
23 Oct. 1929 Captain until 02 November 1929 ashore with leave.
02 Nov. 1929 Captain Nieuw Amsterdam 600,– to New York as passenger.
12 Nov.1929 Temporary ashore 600,–
03 Dec. 1929 Captain Bovenkerk 600,- Home trip for VNS
12 Dec. 1929 Captain Bilderdijk 600,- Home from Antwerp by train.
01 Jan. 1930 Wage increase 620,–
10 Aug. 1930 Temporary ashore
19 Nov. 1930 Captain Binnendijk 620,–
09 Apr. 1931 Captain Bilderdijk 620,–
11 Sep. 1931 Captain Boschdijk 620,–
04 Oct. 1931 Hospitalized in Havanna. Stroke.
05 Nov. 1931 Boarded Boschdijk at Havana. Coming home as passenger
22 Nov. 1931 Temporary ashore at 70% 496,–
01 Apr. 1932 Dismissed and put on standby wages.
(a): Wim Noordhoek. Grandson of Captain Sjerp.
(b). H.A. Kruidhof
(d) Stamboek / Personnel details. Holland America Line Archive as held by Municipel Archives of the City of Rotterdam.
(e) Author’s collection.
(f) David Sjerp, Grand son of Captain David Sjerp, Son of Bastiaan)
Last Updated: 14 Feb. 2022
April 24, 2021 at 6:02 pm
Interessant levensverhaal dat helaas niet in onze genealogie “Het geslacht Sjerp” van D. en N. Sjerp gepubliceerd is. Wel staat daarin een foto van David en zijn vrouw Jacoba Petronella Schotman. Hij is daarin genoemd in familietak 1A terwijl ikzelf tot 2B behoor. Mijn vader Antonius Martinus (1911-1971) heeft behalve in de crisisjaren altijd gevaren, zelf ben ik van 1970 tot 1980 radio-officier koopvaardij geweest. Helaas is er nog geen digitale versie van onze genealogie op internet met aardige levensbeschrijvingen en foto’s die door komende generaties kan worden aangevuld.
October 10, 2021 at 8:40 pm
Kapitein Sjerp was mijn opa. Er waren drie kinderen. Robine was mijn moeder en er was ook nog een tante Be(atrice).
Ik ben van 1946 en heb mijn opa dus nooit gekend.
October 11, 2021 at 7:44 pm
Mijn dank voor uw reactie.
ik heb zojuist de biography aangevuld met photos en meer informatie.
Capt. Albert
February 14, 2022 at 3:34 pm
Geachte captain Albert,
Min of meer bij toeval kwam ik op deze beschrijving over het leven van mijn grootvader. Ikzelf ben de oudste zoon David van de door u genoemde Bastiaan, de zoon van David Sjerp senior.
Dan een enkele aanvulling op wat u over mijn vader schrijft.
De naam Bob was alleen in de directe familiesfeer. Verder diende hij inderdaad in de Marine Luchtvaart Dienst (net zoals ik gedaan heb) (in het Engels: Naval Air Service) en zijn drie laatste functies waren commandant van eerst het Marine Vliegkamp de Kooij, vervolgens van het Marine Vliegkamp Valkenburg en tot slot Commandant van de hele Marine Luchtvaart Dienst. Dan iets over terminologie. U schrijft “Navy Air Force Base” voor Valkenburg, maar de juiste Engelse term voor een marine vliegkamp is “Naval Air Station”. Om misverstanden te vermijden , dit is absoluut geen verwijt, maar wil alleen een bijdrage zijn voor een dan nog beter verhaal. Ik ben u dankbaar voor het feit dat ik hierdoor zo veel meer weet over mijn grootvader, die ik helaas ook nooit gekend heb
Met vriendelijke groet
David Sjerp
February 14, 2022 at 4:33 pm
Mijn dank voor uw reactie en opmerkingen.
Als uw nogmaals kijkt naar de biography zult uw zien dat alles is bijgewerkt.
nogmaals mijn dank en mvg
Capt. Albert