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The later Captain Hubertus Tirion was born in  Rotterdam on 21 December 1888, the Netherlands as son of Mr. Johan Richardus Tirion, listed as being a carpenter and Mrs. Margaretha Gijsbers.

Tracking the family through the Rotterdam City registers, the family came from the town of  Teteringen  (Province of North Brabant near the city of Breda) with one child and settled down in Rotterdam in April 1888.  In 1889 the family moved in November to Buenos Aires and lived in the town of Ensenada where a son Hubertus Johannes is born. We assume that the father was sent out as carpenter for a project. Something that happened again in 1895.

On 27 Jan. 1891 the family returns to Rotterdam and then leaves again on 16 Aug. 1895 for South Africa., Johannesburg.  Sometime later they must have returned as our Captain attended the Nautical College in Rotterdam and not the one in Cape Town. Also the father passed away in The Netherlands in Rotterdam on 05 Sept. 1928 (c)

From the above we can deduct that there was at least one older and one younger brother.

Mother passed away in 1905 and the family seems to have been living then in The Hague.

In 1907 Tirion must have done his cadet ship in order to be able to go for his 3rd mate’s license but this was not with Holland America.  There are no school records from before 1933 so we can not trace this. But he  passes his 3rd mates license on 22 Feb. 1908.

Assumption is now that he sailed at least one more year for another company before he was taken on by Holland America in 1909. The company then needed new officers as it was in the process of taken over the ships from Furness and Withy as part of the Burg Line acquisition  for the route to Newport News.

So he joins the Holland America Line as 4th. Officer on 29 Dec. 1909.

Married on 28 July 1920 with Adriana Magdalena Koopman (09 Dec. 1898) daughter of Casper Koopman and Magdalena Alleman.  (She passed  away on 02 Feb. 1944 at Renkum)

For the rest nothing is known of his private life.

NOTE: If there are any family members out there or other people who have information about Captain Tirion (even if it is only a photo) please contact me on 

Additions will still be added to his career time with HAL.

He was one of the 4 captains whole took early retirement on 01 Jan. 1932 when several HAL ships were sold off or went into lay up for a prolonged time.

Sofar I have not been able to find any records about what he did after having been made redundant as in 1932 he would have been 44 years old.

Captain Tirion passed away  in Wolfheze (a small town near Arnhem in the East of the Netherlands) on 20 Aug. 1968.  (c)


(a)  Stamboek  personnel department Holland Amerika Lijn Archives as held by the Municipal Archives of the City of Rotterdam.

(b) Movement books held by – as above,

(c) E.A Kruidhof.

Sailing List: (a)

Date:                     Function:                             Ship:                                      Wages and/or remarks.

29 Dec. 1909       4th. Officer                          Potsdam                              30,–

06 Aug. 1910       Temporary dismissed for the armed forces.

19 Sep. 1910       4th. Officer                            Noordam                             30,–

24 Sep. 1910       3rd. Officer                          Zijldijk                                  50,–

01 Jan.  1911       3rd Officer                            Zijldijk                                  60,–

21 Jun.  1910       3rd Officer                            Gorredijk                             60,–

12 Jan.  1912       Temporary ashore for study.

02 Feb. 1912       3rd. Officer                          Amsteldijk                          60,–

22 Mar. 1912       Temporary ashore for study 2nd mate license. Passed on 26 june 1912.

23 Jun.  1912       3rd Officer                            Zaandijk                               70,–

27 Jan.  1912       3rd. Officer                          Andijk                                   100,–

07 Jul.   1912.     2nd Officer                           Soestdijk                             100,–

27 Aug. 1913       Temporary ashore for military service.

01 Oct.  1913       2nd Officer                           Zijldijk                                  100,–

26 Nov. 1913       2nd Officer                           Zijldijk                                  110,–

23 Mar. 1914       Temporary shore due to illness

12 Jun.  1914       2nd Officer                           Amsterdijk                         110,–

02 Aug. 1914       Temporary ashore for the armed forces mobilsation of the Netherlands

10 Sep. 1914       2nd Officer                           Zijldijk                                  120,–

08 May 1915       2nd Officer                         Zijldijk                                  130,–

11 Aug. 1916       2nd Officer                           Rijndam                               130,–

08 Jun.  1917       Temporary dismissed for study. Passed first mate’s license on 26 Sep. 1917

19 Oct.  1917       2nd. Officer                          Rotterdam                          130,–

07 Jan.1918         2nd Officer                           Poeldijk                                               130,–

28 Feb. 1918       2nd Officer                           Andijk                                   130,–

24 Dec. 1918       2nd. Officer                          Rotterdam                          130,–  ADM

18 Jan.  1919       2nd Officer                           Amsteldijk                          130,–

10 Feb. 1919       2nd Officer                           Noordam                             130,–

01 Jul.   1919       2nd Officer                           Noordam                             215,–

07 Aug. 1919       2nd Officer                           Rijndam                               215,–

With the Noordam to New York as passenger.

13 Jan.  1920       2nd Officer                           Rotterdam                          215,–

01 Jun.  1920       Chief Officer                      Veendijk                             300,–    At New York

01 Jan. 1920       wages increased to                                                         330,–

15 Oct.  1920      wages increased to                                                         350,–

30 Aug. 1920       arrives home with the ss Noordam for leave.

31 Aug. 1921       Temporary ashore.

04 Sep. 1921       Wages reduced to                                                           334,-

03 Oct.  1921       Chief Officer                      Blijdendijk                          334,–    With Harwich boat to Belfast.

16 Oct.  1921       wages reduced to                                                            328,–

16 Mar. 1922       wages reduced to                                                            315,–

22 Jun.  1922       Temporary shore                                                             315,–

28 Jun.  1922       Chief Officer                      Spaarndam                         315,–

26 Oct.  1923       Chief Officer                      Rijndam                               315,-

23 Jan.  1924       Chief Officer                      Blijdendijk                          315,–

09 Mar. 1924       Chief Officer                      Volendam                           315,–

29 Jan.  1926       Chief Officer                      Veendam                            315,–

23 Jun.  1926       Act. Captain                       Binnendijk                          560,–

12 Sep. 1927       Act. Captain                       Poeldijk                                  560,–                    with the train to A;dam

10 May.1928       Temporary ashore                                                           560,–                    Regular leave.

21 May.  1928       Act. Captain                       Poeldijk                              560,–                    with the train to A’dam.

07 Sep.   1928       Temporary ashore                                                           560,–

14 Sep. 1928       Act. Captain                       Poeldijk                                560,–

20 Sep. 1928       Act. Captain                       Moerdijk                             560,–                    With the train to                                                                                                                                                                              Anwerp

25 Jan.  1929       Captain                                 Maasdam                            560,–

01 Jan. 1929        Wages increased to                                                        580,–

18 Mar. 1929       Captain                                  Andijk                                   580,–

23 Jun.  1929       3rd wage increase                                                             600,–

02 Nov. 1929       Captain                                   Ashore                                  580,–

15 Nov. 1929       sails with Nieuw Amsterdam to join Blijdendijk   for the East Indies service.

01 Jan. 1929        Wages increased to                                                            580,–

29 Nov.1929       Captain                                    Blijdendijk                          580,–

16 Mar. 1930       Captain                                Ashore at Suez. Burned out Blijdendijk. (*)

12 May  1930       Captain                                                                                    580,–

Sails home with the ss Schiekerk  to Antwerp and arrives  in Rotterdam

03 Jul.   1930       Ashore                                                                                        600,–

26 Jul.   1930       Captain                                   Gaasterdijk                          600,–

03 Nov. 1930       Ashore                                                                                         600,–

26 Nov. 1930       Captain                                    Westerdijk                         600,–

18 Dec. 1930       Captain                                    Blommersdijk                   600,–                    At New York

In 3 years (until 18 march 1931) sailed 2 years and 4 months

03 Jul.   1931       Temporary ashore                                                           600,–

12 Nov. 1931       Wages reduced to                                                           430,–

And put on 70% standby money.

01 Apr.  1932       Dismissed and put on standby money.

(*) more information will follow.

Last Updated: 16 Jan. 2025