Visser, Barend Cornelis.

Captain Barend Visser. This photo is from around 1949. (a)
Visser; Barend Cornelis
Born: Hoorn; 11 Feb. 1891 as a son of a local green grocer.
Studied at the Kweekschool voor de Zeevaart in Amsterdam.
Joined the Holland America Line as cadet in 1909
Married to Adriana Maria Visser – Zuidweg. They lived in Hoorn (in 1940 at Kleine Oost 1 Hoorn).
There were no children.
During the war his wife was supported by a monthly allotment of fl 400,–
The Dutch Cross of Merit with bars. This was quite unusual as the Dutch Government seldom handed out the double version. So his wartime duties must have really been appreciated (b)
- Kruis van Verdienste 1942, Dutch Cross of Merit for service in 1941 – 1942 in the Java Zee
- Kruis van Verdienste, 2nd time 16 Jan. 1946 Dutch Cross of Merit with Bar for General service in the Mediterannean 1940 – 1946
- Atlantic War Zone Bar
- Pacific War Zone Bar
- Gold Medal KNMI (Royal Dutch Meteorological Society) Jan. 1954
And I here I have a big challenge. I do not know anything about the captains life and career. Looking at the sailing list below he had a great and steady career and captained the ss Nieuw Amsterdam for three years before his retirement. He was not the most Sr. Captain of the company but he was given command of the flagship as the Commodore (Captain Dobbinga Sr.) preferred to stay on the ms Noordam (a much smaller ship) until his retirement in 1955.
And that retirement gives questions. He retired in 1956 (- 1891) means he was 65 years old while the mandatory retirement age was 60. So he stayed longer. Why was this allowed?
While I am still digging for information, I can only upload some photos which have been made available by his niece Mrs. Jacqueline Visser, for which my great appreciation.

As Student at the Kweekschool voor de Zeevaart in Amsterdam in 1908. (b)

As Chief Officer on board. I think that this was on one of the D ships shortly before his promotion. (b)
Here we have a little anecdote: Captain Visser left Rotterdam with the ss Blommersdijk (II) on 27 April only a few days before the invasion. On board a cargo of gold from the Dutch Government destined for New York where the ship arrived on 12 May via the ports of Antwerp and Dunkirque (30 April – 12 May for clearance by the French Authorities) .
As the Netherlands capitulated all Dutch ships were handed over to various managing authorities to become part of the war effort. Captain Visser and his ship ended up in charter / management for the British Ministry of War Transport. The Blommersdijk became part of the New York – Liverpool shuttle on which she was employed for the first year of the war.
During one of the stays in Liverpool, an ammunition train stationed quite close to the ship caught fire during one of the frequent bombardments by the Germans. Together with a few Longshoremen the Captain managed to disconnect and pull away the burning waggons before they would go up in the air. (and the Blommersdijk with them) (c)

Near the end of just after the war. At this time the company had all captains under go a photo shoot for their records. (b)

10 Jan. 1954 Receiving in the Gold Medal for meteorological observations from HRH Prins Bernhard of the Netherlands.

After retirement. The captain lived all his life in Hoorn.(b)

Most captains who had families lived in regular houses built during periods of the baby booms in the 1930’s and 1950’s. Captain Visser had the privilege of living in an really old Dutch House.
He passed away on 27 Aug. 1980 at the age of 89 years.
(a) Holland America Line Archives.
(b) Mrs. Jacqueline Visser.
(c) In the War At Sea, by Wiliam C. Seabrook (1947)
Sailing Career:
Date: Function: Ship: Wages and/or remarks.
16 Aug. 1909 Cadet Noordam 10,–
20 Aug. 1910 Temporary dismissed to go to school for 3rd mates license. Passed on 23 Nov. 1910
19 Dec. 1910 4th. Officer Potsdam 30,–
05 Aug. 1911 4th. Officer Nieuw Amsterdam 30,–
05 Jan. 1912 4th. Officer Nieuw Amsterdam 40,–
09 Aug. 1912 4th. Officer Nieuw Amsterdam 50,–
13 Oct. 1912 4th. Officer Sloterdijk 60,–
22 Mar. 1913 3rd. Officer Rijndam 70,–
05 Dec. 1913 3rd Officer Rijndam 75,–
02 Feb. 1914 3rd. Officer Nieuw Amsterdam 75,–
13 Mar. 1914 3rd. Officer Nieuw Amsterdam 90,–
18 Apr. 1914 Temporary dismissed for study for 2nd mates license Passed on 10 July 1914
22 Jul. 1914 2nd Officer Zaandijk 100,–
22 Oct. 1914 2nd Officer Amsteldijk 110,–
19 Mar. 1915 2nd Officer Amsteldijk 115,–
07 May. 1915 Temporary dismissed due to Illness.
14 May. 1915 2nd Officer Noorderdijk 110,–
01 Nov. 1915 2nd Officer Noorderdijk 120,–
03 Feb. 1916 2nd Officer Noorderdijk 125,–
10 jun. 1916 Temporary dismissed for military land service
06 Feb. 1918 passed for first mates license
19 Nov. 1918 2nd Officer Rotterdam 130,– ashore administrative
25 Mar. 1919 2nd officer Rotterdam 130,– ashore administrative
26 Jun. 1919 2nd Officer Maartensdijk 130,–
01 Jul. 1919 2nd Officer Maartensdijk 215,–
25 Sep. 1919 2nd Officer Noordam 215,–
22 Mar. 1920 2nd Officer Nieuw Amsterdam 215,–
07 May. 1920 Act. Chief Officer Amsteldijk 290,–
07 May. 1920 Chief Officer Amsteldijk 320,–
01 Jan. 1920 wage 320,–
01 Sep. 1921 wage decrease 304,–
16 Oct. 1921 wage decrease 288,–
31 Jan. 1922 Chief Officer Dinteldijk 288,– At Glasgow,
17 Jul. 1922 wage decrease 285,–
07 May. 1923 Wage increase 290,–
03 Oct. 1923 Temporary ashore.
30 Oct. 1923 Chief Officer Stadsdijk 290,–
15 Nov. 1923 Temp. Ashore 290,–
10 Dec. 1923 Chief Officer Blijdendijk 290,–
26 Jan. 1924 Chief Officer Leerdam 290,–
18 jun. 1925 Ashore 290,–
13 Jul. 1925 Chief Officer Westerdijk 290,–
14 Sept. 1925 Chief Officer Kinderdijk 290,–
7 May. 1926 wage increase 295,–
24 Oct. 1926 Chief Officer Edam 295,–
01 Aug. 1927 Chief Officer Edam 305,– wage increase
10 Jun. 1928 Chief Officer Ashore 305,–
08 Jul. 1928 Chief Officer Maasdam 305,–
28 Aug. 1928 Ashore 315,–
01 Jan. 1929 Chief Officer Maasdam 315,–
13 Nov. 1929 Chief Officer Nieuw Amsterdam 315,–
01 Jan. 1930 Chief Officer Nieuw Amsterdam 325,–
07 Feb. 1931 Chief Officer Ashore 325,–
23 Mar. 1931 Chief Officer Binnendijk 325,–
19 Apr. 1933 Chief Officer ashore 262,50
22 Apr. 1933 Temporary ashore 70% 262,50
05 May.1933 Chief Officer Drechtdijk 262,50
28 Jun. 1933 Wage reduced with 5% according to circulaire No 929 date 27 june 1933
28 Dec. 1933 Wage reduced with 5% according to circulaire No 929 date 27 june 1933
20 Apr. 1934 Temporary ashore 236,50
22 Apr. 1934 Temporary ashore 70% 236,50
04 May.1934 Chief Officer Dinteldijk 236.50
01 Oct. 1934 Wage reduced to 226,75
23 Aug. 1935 Temporary ashore 226,75 regular leave
08 Sep. 1935 Chief Officer Dinteldijk 226,75
12 May.1935 Temporary ashore 226,75 regular leave
09 jun. 1937 chief Officer Volendam 226,75
01 Oct. 1937 According to new regulation 255,35
21 Nov. 1937 Temporary ashore 225,35 regular leave
10 Dec. 1937 Chief Officer Blommersdijk 255,25
13 Dec. 1937 Act. Captain Blommersdijk 390,–
15 Sep. 1939 Captain Sommelsdijk
15 Feb. 1940 Captain Blommersdijk
05 April – 26 April regular vacation.
26 Apr. 1941 Captain Sommelsdijk
25 Sep. 1941 Temporary placed as shore
18 Dec.1941 Captain Edam
14 Sep.1942 Captain Sloterdijk
25 Sep. 1942 – 26 Nov. 1942 regular vacation
26 Nov.1942 Captain Fort Orange
09 May. 1944 Captain Edam
23 May.1945 Captain Sommelsdijk
05 Jul. 1947 Captain Noordam
31 Aug. 1947 Captain Duivendijk
07 Jun. 1948 Captain Westerdam
01 May. 1953 Captain Nieuw Amsterdam
Retires from ss Nieuw Amsterdam on 05 Apr. 1956.
March 10, 2019 at 5:33 pm
Dear sir,
I am the niece of Barend Cornelis Visser and I would like to find out more about his career with the HAL. I was just a little girl when he died and his wife died earlier. Now I am 62 and would like to know more about his career as a captain. Also my parents are no longer with me. I have found several photos and also some war ones.
It would mean a lot to me if you can provide me with Some more information about him.
Thank you in advance for your trouble.
Kind regards,
Jacqueline Visser
March 10, 2019 at 10:07 pm
Thank you for reading my blog.
I am very glad you contacted me as I am still in the process of compiling information about him. I will contact you from my hobby email, with what I already have.
Best Regards
Capt. Albert
May 4, 2021 at 2:13 am
Dear Ms Visser,
I found your message on this website while doing some research regarding the captains of the m.v Sloterdijk. The reason for this was my father spent several weeks on the Sloterdijk on his way to Italy with the Royal Canadian Artillery. After the Italian campaign, his regiment was transferred to Belgium, the Netherlands, and finally Germany, where they were disbanded..
My father’s convoy was attacked by the Luftwaffe shortly after entering the
Mediterranean. Several ships were lost or badly damaged. The attack was the first time that air-to-surface missiles were used in combat. The Sloterdijk performed very well in the attack. My father remembered it as a well-run ship with a very efficient crew (and wonderful food). His convoy sailed from Glasgow on October the 27th and arrived in Palermo around the 8th of November,1943.
I still don’t know who the Captain of the Sloterdijk was at that time of the convoy; however, I enjoyed reading about your uncle, and his remarkable life.
Thank you for writing about him.
I hope this message finds you well. Please stay safe during the pandemic.